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Journal of Democracy and Governance
202108 (8:2期) 目錄
- 精英動員與臺灣民眾對軍公教形象的認知 Elite Mobilization and the Mass Cognition toward Military, Civil, and Teaching Personnel in Taiwan
- 公共行政研究的議題定位與理論趨勢:以 TASPAA 第一個 10 年(2003 ~ 2012)之年會論文為例 Issues and Trends in Public Administration Research: Assessing the Papers Presented in the First Decade (2003-2012) of TASPAA Conferences
- 以貌辨人的邊境控制:評 Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice Border Controls on the Basis of Appearance: Review of Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice