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中文篇名 |
如世界公民般行動:再探康德世界公民法權 | |
英文篇名 |
Taking Action as a World Citizen: Reinterpreting Kant’s Cosmopolitan Right | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本文針對康德世界公民法權提出一種新穎的詮釋—康德世界公民法權強調對於他者艱困的處境具備道德義務。該詮釋的理論基礎奠基於康德思想的兩種概念。第一點涉及康德世界公民法權的歷史朔源。康德主張,個體具有自由遷徙的權利,並且認為由遷徙所發生與他者之間的互動能夠促進行動者對於他者文化的寬容。援引於 C. M. Korsgaard,第二點涉及人的特性與實踐認同的概念。首先,本文將奠基於 Korsgaard 建構論詮釋,簡要闡述實踐認同的概念以及人性能力。在該節中,本文將會探討個體如何在《德行論》的框架底下理解他者的幸福;接著檢視當代不同研究者對於個體如何轉變為世界公民的觀點。本文將強調哲學家與知識份子扮演領導社會思辨以臻至公眾啟蒙的重要角色,同時重述知識份子陶冶並領導公眾責任。最後,本文將針對潛在的質疑與挑戰進行回應。 | |
英文摘要 |
This article proposes a novel interpretation of Kant’s cosmopolitan right, emphasizing the moral obligation toward others in difficult situations. Its theoretical foundation rests on two concepts from Kant’s thought. The first involves the historical origin of the conception of cosmopolitan rights. Kant held that individuals have the right to travel freely and believed that interaction through travel fosters tolerance of other cultures. The second, borrowing from C. M. Korsgaard, involves plight and the conception of practical identity. First, the article will briefly explain the conception of practical identity, the capacity of humanity derived from Korsgaard’s constructivist interpretations. This section will explore how individuals understand the happiness of others and how to integrate it with the discussion in Doctrine of Virtue. Second, the article will examine various scholarly opinions on how individuals evolve into world citizens. It will also highlight the critical role of philosophers and intellectuals in leading society towards enlightenment, outlining their responsibility to educate and guide the public. Finally, the article will address any potential objections to the arguments presented therein. | |
關鍵詞 |
世界公民法權、全球正義、康德政治哲學、柯斯嘉德建構論詮釋、世界公民、cosmopolitan rights、global justice、Kant’s political philosophy、Korsgaard’s constructivist interpretations、world citizen | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
039-068 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
DOI | ||
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