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中文篇名 |
民眾電子連署內容與政府回應方式:以提點子平臺為例 | |
英文篇名 |
What Predicts Government Responsiveness: A Study of the E-Petition Platform in Taiwan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
太陽花學運後,政府為了因應社會對於公民直接追求公共參與的壓力,設置「公共政策網路參與平臺」(又稱Join平臺)。其中,「提點子」此一功能,具有電子連署的機制,即公民可自行研擬提案,政府必須在一定時間內回應。本研究希望探討平臺上政府的回應情形,解釋民眾提案的哪些因素影響政府回應。利用平臺上的公開資訊,本研究蒐集2015年9月至2018年12月間通過連署門檻且已被政府機關正式回應的156則民眾提案。研究分析發現,Join平臺提供公民一個不同於過去,有雙向互動的政府對話管道,甚至出現民眾參與政策過程與改變政策的契機。 | |
英文摘要 |
After the 2014 Sunflower student movement in Taiwan, our government began to be aware the urge of communicating with the civil society. A platform named “Join Platform” was launched as a form of e-petition to encourage people to propose or express their opinions on public policies. However, while the concept of this platform is creative and aligned with the open government initiative, there is a lack of empirical study investigating how and to what extent the government responded to citizens’ online petition. This paper uses open archival data on the Join Platform and collects 156 cases between September 2015 and December 2018 that have passed the threshold of being reached 5000 citizen signatures and required government responses. Findings of this study aims to explore factors that determines government’s responses, as well as have deeper dialogue with literature of government responsiveness in the area of public administration. | |
關鍵詞 |
公共政策網路參與平臺、政府回應方式、電子參與、電子連署、Join Platform、government responsiveness、electronic participation、electronic petition | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
001-040 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
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