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中文篇名 |
圖書館人員風險認知對其創新政策態度之影響:臺灣閱讀起步走之個案分析 | |
英文篇名 |
Risk Perception of Librarians on the Innovative Policy: A Case Study of the Bookstart Programme in Taiwan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
創新政策的擴散通常可區分為外部和內部因素的影響。對於閱讀起步走政策擴散的外部因素研究,目前國內多是從幼兒教育的觀點出發,並論及其對於嬰幼兒的學習效果;相對地,鮮見由內部因素分析閱讀起步走政策的擴散。其次,特定制度或許可以被刻意引進或設計,但要順利運作,則必須與既存的制度協調及搭配,並在利害關係人的策略性互動下,透過某些集體或社會抉擇機制不斷進行調整。因此,臺灣閱讀起步走政策的成效,亦取決於圖書館館長或承辦人員對於該政策的態度。甚且,由於創新的、首度施行的政策,執行者必須承擔較高的不確定性及創新失敗之風險。因此,研究者運用本團隊於2016 年10 月間,以電話問卷訪談曾經或現正執行閱讀起步走政策之360 位圖書館長或主要業務承辦人,希冀瞭解其在面對此政策時之風險感知,是否會影響其看待創新政策之態度。 | |
英文摘要 |
Factors affecting the diffusion of innovative policy can be divided into external and internal ones. In recent years, taking Bookstart program as an example, there have seen a wealth of research focusing on the influences of the external factors on policy diffusion. However, these researches usually are from the perspectives of early childhood education, and to examine the impacts of the program on the learning effect of the infants and children. Little research has been done on analyzing its internal factors. Moreover, any specific institution can be intentionally introduced or designed, but to be effective, it must be coordinated with the existing institution and make necessary adjustments through collective or social choice mechanism under the strategic interaction of stakeholders. Thus, the diffusion of Bookstart in Taiwan also depends on the attitudes of the library directors and librarians. Furthermore, to implement an innovative policy have to face very high uncertainties and to take risks from innovation failure because the policy is new and innovative. To study the influence of individual’s risk perception on the diffusion of the program, this study conducted a telephone survey of 360 library directors and librarians who have experience in promoting Bookstart in October 2016. Data analysis and research results are presented in this paper and specific recommendations are made for future research. | |
關鍵詞 |
風險認知、創新政策態度、閱讀起步走、risk perception、attitude of innovative policy、Bookstart | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
061-088 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
DOI | ||
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