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Journal of Democracy and Governance
202002 (7:1期) 目錄
- 啟動創新作為的因素:從創始採行「閱讀起步走」計畫談起 The Triggers of Innovative: From the Adoption of“Bookstart” Program in Taiwan
- 開卷有益、「閱閱」欲試:我國「閱讀起步走」計畫對於學童學習成效的影響 Reading is Always Beneficial! The Impacts of Bookstart Program on Elementary School Student’s Academic Performance
- 圖書館人員風險認知對其創新政策態度之影響:臺灣閱讀起步走之個案分析 Risk Perception of Librarians on the Innovative Policy: A Case Study of the Bookstart Programme in Taiwan
- 臺灣閱讀起步走計畫政策擴散相關因素之空間分析 The Spatial Analysis on the Policy Diffusion Factors of the Bookstart Program in Taiwan