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中文篇名 |
文創產業政策之過程評估:以大駁二文青創星埕為例 | |
英文篇名 |
Process Evaluation of a Cultural and Creative Industry Policy: The Case of Pier-2’s Wenqing Chuangxingcheng Project | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
高雄市政府 2021 年推出的「大駁二文青創星埕」,乃成功發揚地方特色的文創產業政策。為總結成功要件並促成政策擴散,本研究提出三個研究問題:文青創星埕之執行過程為何?執行結果呈現哪些成功樣貌?可歸納出哪些成功要件?因該政策仍在實施中,故本研究採用過程評估理論,從執行過程、執行結果,以及成功要件等三面向建立研究架構。本研究使用文獻分析法、深入訪談法及參與觀察法,蒐集資料進行驗證。本研究發現:政策宣傳管道以網路為主。申請難題為撰寫計畫書與財務規劃。政策支持不僅減輕財務壓力,還提供創業協助。此政策成功因素可歸納為四:受補助者具交流學習心態、主管機關有輔導機制、政策能與趨勢接軌,以及鹽埕與哈瑪星具文史特色。 | |
英文摘要 |
The Pier-2’s Wenqing Chuangxingcheng project, introduced by the Kaohsiung City Government in 2021, is a cultural and creative industry policy that has successfully promoted local characteristics. To summarize the success factors and facilitate policy diffusion, this study proposed three research questions: Why did some applications succeed? Are there commonalities among individual successful cases? What counseling can the government provide to improve the success rate? This study adopted the process evaluation theory to establish a research framework from three perspectives: implementation process, implementation outcomes, and success factors. This research employed literature analysis, in-depth interviews, and participant observation to collect data for validation, revealing that the primary channel for policy advocacy was online. Application challenges included writing a proposal for the project and creating a financial plan. Policy support not only reduces financial pressure but also provides assistance for starting a business. The success factors of this policy can be summarized as follows: the grantees possess exchange and learning mindsets, the organizers have a counseling mechanism, the Yancheng and Hamasen Districts boast cultural and historical characteristics, and the policy is consistent with current trends. | |
關鍵詞 |
文創產業、青年創業、政策執行、政策評估、過程評估、cultural and creative industries、youth entrepreneurship、policy implementation、policy evaluation、process evaluation | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
001-038 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
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