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Organization and Management
202502 (18:1期) 目錄
- 總是想太多!檢視反芻思考在質量型工作不安全感歷程中的角色:生涯調適力的調節效果 Thinking Too Much! Investigating the Role of Rumination in the Qualitative Job Insecurity Process: The Moderating Effects of Career Adaptability
- 價格補貼策略可以提升交易型平台營運績效嗎?路徑與情境 Does Price Subsidy Strategy Enhance the Operational Performance of Transaction Platforms? Path and Contingency
- 天命動力模型:儒家道德領導之前因歷程研究 Confucian Heaven-dynamic Model: The Antecedent Process of Confucian Ethical Leadership