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Journal of Democracy and Governance
201708 (4:2期) 目錄
- 臺灣社區通網站平臺使用頻率影響因素之研究:科技接受模型的觀點 Factors Associated with the Using Frequency of Taiwanese Community Platform: Perspective on TAM
- 霍布斯論恐懼與政治秩序 Thomas Hobbes on Fear and Political Order
- 地方特色規劃與地方發展:雲嘉南地方文化創意產業「政府政策法規」與「政府經費支援」系統指標評估之研究 Local Characteristic Planning and Local Development: A Research on the Evaluation of “Government Policies and Regulations” and “Government Funding Support System” in Yun-Cha-Nan Region
- 地方問責與核能安全治理:以新北市核能安全監督委員會為例 Accountability at Local Level and Nuclear Governance: The Case of Nuclear Safety Monitoring Council in New Taipei City