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Journal of Democracy and Governance
201902 (6:1期) 目錄
- 校園記者使用網路公民媒體及公民參與實踐之研究:以「PeoPo公民新聞校園採訪中心」為例 Study of Campus Journalist’s Utilization of Citizen Media and Civic Participation Practice: With PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform as Example
- 臺灣與日本民眾的政治效能感分析:不同政黨執政時期之比較 An Analysis of the Political Efficacy between Taiwanese and Japanese: Comparison of Different Political Parties in Power
- 在水患風險中怎麼溝才能通?“Rethinking Flood Risk Communication”之再反思 How to Communicate Efficiently in Flood Risk? Rethinking of “Rethinking Flood Risk Communication”