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查詢結果:共有 7 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
1 主管目標導向特質與負向回饋徵詢行為:主管回饋效用信念與部屬專業能力的干擾式中介效果
Supervisor Dispositional Goal Orientation and Negative Feedback-seeking Behaviors: The Moderated Mediation Roles of Feedback Utility Belief and Subordinate Expertise
方沴淳紀乃文   2024/02  組織與管理
2 顧客負面事件影響顧客導向公民行為、服務破壞行為的認知與情感歷程:服務人員顧客導向特質與情緒展示規則的干擾效果
The Cognitive and Emotional Mechanisms Linking Customer Negative Events, Customer-Directed Citizenship Behaviors and Service Sabotage: The Moderating Roles of Customer Orientation and Display Rules
紀乃文陳珮綺林宥吟   2017/08  組織與管理
3 每日偽裝情緒的負面效應:探討服務人員每日表層演出對其職家衝突與身心健康的影響以及員工協助方案的緩衝效果
The Negative Impacts of Daily Faking Emotions: Exploring the Buffering Effects of Employee Assistance Programs on The Relationships between Daily Surface Acting, Work-to-Family Conflict, and Somatic Health
紀乃文葉思妤   2017/02  組織與管理
4 轉換型領導與部屬工作績效:探討部屬適配知覺的中介效果及部屬適應性特質的干擾效果
Examining the Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions of the Transformational Leadership-Job Performance Links: The Moderating Roles of Adaptability and the Mediating Roles of Employee Fit Perceptions
紀乃文王誼臻   2014/08  組織與管理
5 情緒勞動對組織是利是弊?探討知覺主管支持、同事支持對情緒勞動與服務績效、離職傾向關係的干擾效果
Helpful or Harmful? Exploring the Moderating Effects of Supervisory and Coworker Support on the Relationships between Emotional Labor, Service Performance and Turnover Intentions
紀乃文   2014/02  組織與管理
6 分店服務氣候、正向團隊情感氛圍、服務人員正向情緒表達與顧客購買決策關聯性之探討
Examining the Effects of Positive Group Affective Tone, Service Climate and Employee Displayed Positive Emotions on Customer Purchase Decision
紀乃文陳建丞   2011/02  組織與管理
7 團隊情感氛圍形成的前因、情境調節及個人層次後果變項之研究
Exploring Antecedents, Boundaries, and Individual-level Consequences of Group Affective Tone
蔡維奇紀乃文   2008/02  組織與管理