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查詢結果:共有 6 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 城市治理與社會企業發展:以臺北市建構友善政策環境為例 Urban Governance and Social Enterprise Development: Construction of a Friendly Policy Environment in Taipei City as Example |
莊文忠、吳佳霖 | 2022/02 | 民主與治理 |
2 | 攜手創造福利化社區:萬華社區協力聯盟的網絡治理模式探討 Creating a Welfare Community Together: A Study on the Governance Network of Wanhua Community’s Collaborative Alliance |
莊文忠、徐明莉 | 2019/03 | 第三部門學刊 |
3 | 校園記者使用網路公民媒體及公民參與實踐之研究:以「PeoPo公民新聞校園採訪中心」為例 Study of Campus Journalist’s Utilization of Citizen Media and Civic Participation Practice: With PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform as Example |
徐明莉、莊文忠 | 2019/02 | 民主與治理 |
4 | NPO與政府部門的網絡連結與政策倡議:質性資料的分析 The Networking Linkage between Nonprofit and Government and Policy Advocacy: The Preliminary Analysis of Qualitative Data |
莊文忠 | 2012/03 | 第三部門學刊 |
5 | 非營利組織的政策倡議與策略結盟:多元主義與統合主義觀點的詮釋 Policy Advocacy and Strategic Coalition of Non-profit Organizations: Explanation of Pluralism and Corporatism |
莊文忠、張鐙文、徐明莉 | 2011/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
6 | 倡議型非營利組織政策倡議的創新策略與途徑 Advocacy Nonprofit Organization's Innovative Advocacy Strategies and Approaches on Policy Process |
莊文忠 | 2007/03 | 第三部門學刊 |