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查詢結果:共有 198 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
31 | 僕人領導對消防隊員任務績效與助人行為之影響:心理需求滿足與工作動機之中介效果驗證 The Influences of Servant Leadership on Firefighters’ Task Performance and Helping Behavior: An Examination of the Mediating Effects of Psychological Need Satisfaction and Work Motivations |
熊欣華、胡宛仙、李佳如 | 2020/02 | 組織與管理 |
32 | 啟動創新作為的因素:從創始採行「閱讀起步走」計畫談起 The Triggers of Innovative: From the Adoption of“Bookstart” Program in Taiwan |
吳怡融 | 2020/02 | 民主與治理 |
33 | 圖書館人員風險認知對其創新政策態度之影響:臺灣閱讀起步走之個案分析 Risk Perception of Librarians on the Innovative Policy: A Case Study of the Bookstart Programme in Taiwan |
許耿銘、孫同文 | 2020/02 | 民主與治理 |
34 | 非美籍人士持有美國不動產投資架構暨聯邦稅稅負分析【月旦時論】 Analysis of Federal Taxation and the Holding Structures in the U.S. Real Property Market |
洪巍 | 2020/01 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
35 | 商譽攤折之「事業」概念——最高行政法院108年度判字第428號判決評析【爭點解析】 The Business Concept of Goodwill Amortization: Comment on the Supreme Administrative Court Judgment No.428 in 2019 |
桂祥晟 | 2020/01 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
36 | 別慌!財政部澄清並未對全台美容美髮業大查稅【爭點解析】 Don’t Panic! Ministry of Finance Clarifies That It Has Not Taxed the Beauty Industry |
陳揚仁 | 2020/01 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
37 | 現金及實物抵繳溢繳稅款應返還標的之爭議──以最高行政法院108年判字第150號判決為中心【學習式判解評析】 The Dispute Over Tax Return Due to Overpaid Cash and In-Kind Payment Based on the Judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court (108) Pan Tzu No. 150 |
王明勝、奚雨晴 | 2020/01 | 月旦財稅實務釋評 |
38 | 我國災難管理機制問題與策略之分析:協力治理觀點 Analysing on Mechanism Problems and Reform Strategies of Taiwan’s Disaster Management Mechanism Under the Perspective of Collaborative Governance |
陳秋政、林煥笙、江明修 | 2019/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
39 | 使命契合觀點分析社會企業之效益與影響:以勞動部多元就業開發方案為例 An Analysis on the Effectiveness and Impact of Social Enterprise from Fit for Purpose Aspect: Case Study on Multi-Employment Promotion Program |
陳定銘、徐郁雯 | 2019/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
40 | 政治人物經營臉書策略之研究:以第九屆不分區立法委員為例 A Study on the Strategies of the Facebook Management by Politicians: The Case of the Ninth Legislator-at-Large Seats |
王光旭、蔡子弘、陳薇丞 | 2019/08 | 民主與治理 |