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中文篇名 |
倡議型非營利組織政策倡議的創新策略與途徑 | |
英文篇名 |
Advocacy Nonprofit Organization's Innovative Advocacy Strategies and Approaches on Policy Process | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
「網絡治理」(network governance)已然成為公共行政領域中炙手可熱的討論議題,一如所知,非營利組織在此一治理形式下亦為重要的行動者,必須學習更多足以影響政策的策略與途徑,才能將所追求之組織使命與政策理念轉化為政策內容。然而,當前大多數研究所關注的不是治理概念內涵的界定,即是政策過程與結果的描述,反而較少有系統地論及非營利組織可以採行的工具與途徑。因此,本文嘗試從國內、外的運作經驗中,提供非營利組織可以有效影響公共政策的倡議策略。本研究主要可分為三個部分:第一部分從政策網絡的觀點澄清政策倡議與倡議型非營利組織的概念,並說明其在政策過程中所扮演的角色;第二部分強調非營利組織投入政策倡議的重要性,在此過程中,可以將組織所強調的理念納入公共議程之中,且可以學習如何發展和行銷政策提案的技巧與知識;第三部分則是檢視各種政策倡議的創新策略,包括專業諮詢、建立聯盟、網際傳播工具、公民會議及調查研究等,並以國內、外的案例做為說明,強調任何非營利組織除了傳統的倡議策略外,還可以採取這些策略來影響公共政策。 | |
英文摘要 |
“network governance" has become a hot issue in public administration field. As is known, nonprofit organization has been an important actor in this form of governance. And what should they do is to learn more strategies for influencing policies. However, most studies are concerned with defining the concept of governance or describing policy process and have paid little attention to the discussion of tools and approaches what the nonprofit organization can take. In this article, I try to develop various strategies for nonprofit organizations to influence public policy effectively. The article is divided into three parts. Part one clarifies the concepts of policy advocacy and advocacy nonprofit organization under the perspective of policy network. Part two address the importance of policy participation for nonprofit organizations. Because of the nonprofit organizations can move their concerns onto the public agenda, and they can learn some skills and knowledge necessary to develop and promote good public policy initiatives. Part three examine the various kinds of innovative advocacy strategies with examples, including professional advices, alliance-building, internet communication tools, citizen conference, and survey. Any nonprofit organization can take one or some of them to influence public policies. | |
關鍵詞 |
政策倡議、非營利組織、政策網絡、創新、policy advocacy、nonprofit organization、policy network、innovation | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
115-138 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
上一篇 |