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Third-Sector Review
200703 (7期) 目錄
- 非營利中介組織治理之研究:兩岸三地六個個案的跨域觀察 A Comparative Study of Governance for the Nonprofit Intermediary Organizations in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China: A Nonprofit-BSC Perspective
- 我國非營利組織捐款收入影響因素之實證研究 Determinants of Donations in Nonprofit Organizations: The Evidence of Taiwan
- 非營利組織社會企業化之研究-以財團法人基金會為例 The Research on Nonprofit Organizations Adapting Social Enterprise Approach: Case Study on Foundations
- 倡議型非營利組織政策倡議的創新策略與途徑 Advocacy Nonprofit Organization's Innovative Advocacy Strategies and Approaches on Policy Process