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中文篇名 |
以地方資產為基礎的社區發展觀點析探綠色環保社區之形成:以桃園市高原樂活有機村為例 | |
英文篇名 |
Analysis the Formation of the Green Community with Local Asset-Based Community Development: The Case Study of GaoYuan Village of Taoyuan City | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
社會企業的概念近年來廣受重視,其發展的類型也非常多樣,本文在綠色環保社區發展之觀念日益被大眾重視的前提下,透過社區型社會企業理念,建構以資產為基礎的社區發展觀點,且以社會企業強調三重底線(社會、經濟、環境)為焦點, 觀察桃園高原社區個案的現況發展, 析探其在資源有限或不足的情況下,如何兼顧社區的經濟、社會與環境等面向,持續擴充社區的社會資本和儲運社區資源作為社區永續發展之基礎。研究發現,桃園高原社區為一個客家族群群聚性高的村落,客家族群與社會企業的結合實為其特色,而透過社區之重點發展項目(如有機農業與環保工作等)以及整合運用其所擁有之地方資源,進一步推動高原有機社區落實環保社區的理念,從而發展為社區型社會企業的型態,可作為其他社區為基礎的社會企業推動之參考。 | |
英文摘要 |
The concept of social enterprise gets lots of attention in recent years, the type of its development is also diverse. The research is under the premise of the concept of formation the green community which is increasingly being valued by the public, take community-based social enterprises as the main idea of this study and construct the structure under the asset-based community development (ABCD). In addition, we focus on emphasis social enterprise of the triple bottom line (social, economic, environmental). This case study (GaoYuan community of Taoyuan City) starts from observing the status development of a community-based social enterprise, analyze how to balance the community’s economic, social and environmental oriented under the situation of limited or insufficient existing social capital. Than to research the continued expansion of social capital, storage of resources and how to thick the basis of sustainable development in community. The results show GaoYuan community is a high clustering Hakka village, the Hakka ethnic binding with social enterprises is actually a major feature in this area. Through the development of the community’s focus items such as organic agriculture, environmental protection etc, as well as how to integrate local resources to promote the development of specific actions. Finally, the most important is to pursuing the environmental concept of the green community development. We focus on the environmental responsibility of this community- based social enterprise, and hope this case study can be used as the reference of other community- based social enterprise. | |
關鍵詞 |
以資產為基礎的社區發展、社區型社會企業、高原社區、asset-based community development (ABCD)、community- based social enterprises、GaoYuan community | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
057-079 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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