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中文篇名 |
客家文化體驗活動對青少年文化認同的影響 | |
英文篇名 |
The Influence of Hakka Cultural Experience on Youth’s Cultural Identity | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
青少年時期是形塑其價值觀的重要階段,包括對族群文化的認同。本研究以客家成年禮活動做為案例研究,探討文化體驗的方式是否能增進青少年文化認同程度。問卷調查對象為13~18歲之間參與成年禮活動的青少年,共發放200份問卷,有效問卷183份。分析之研究結論如下:一、活動參與者以女性、客語能力佳、身分為客家人的活動滿意度較高;二、參與活動後的改變以認同為主,行為改變與應支付的成本有關;三、未來活動應增加說客語的機會及客家語言學習;四、文化體驗與認知真實性均對文化認同有影響性;五、文化體驗是重要的中介變項,且比認知真實性的直接效果高;六、未來建議持續推動此類文化體驗活動,並邀請專家學者參與活動規劃及設計。 | |
英文摘要 |
Teenager are an important stage in shaping its values, including for ethnic cultural identity. In this paper, cultural experience can affect the degree of cultural identity in Hakka rite activities. The object are young people between 13 and 18 years old. In this study, there are 186 simple were collected. This study obtained conclusions are as follows: 1. Female, speak Hakka, Hakka identity bring better satisfaction after activities; 2. Changed after participating in more recognition, behavior change and related costs to be paid; 3. It should increase speak Hakka and Hakka language learning in activity; 4. Cultural experience and authenticity impact of cultural identity; 5. Cultural experience is an important mediator, and mediation effect is stronger than the direct effect; 6. We recommend that continue to promote this type of cultural experience, and invite experts who participate in the planning and design activities. | |
關鍵詞 |
文化認同、文化體驗、青少年、客家成年禮、認知真實性、cultural identity、cultural experience、teenager、coming-of-age ceremony of Hakka、cognitive authenticity | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
059-081 | |
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