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中文篇名 |
政府資訊公開與個資保護之模糊與歧異:六都政府網站員工聯絡資訊公開程度之比較分析 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
The Ambiguity between Freedom of Information and Personal Data Protection: A Comparative Analysis on Government Website Disclosure among Six Special Municipalities | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
政府資訊公開的作法是為了滿足公開、透明、課責、回應等民主價值,政府公開公務聯絡資訊便利民眾使用已是必然趨勢,亦成為法律明定公開項目之一,然而,運用資訊通訊科技加速數位化、網路化及提升回應性的同時,亦形成政府資訊公開與個人資料保護的使用疑慮與權衡,相同法律下各機關的公開程度不盡相同,究竟在政府資訊公開的法理基礎下,各機關適用、執行所遭遇的情形為何?本研究針對六個直轄市政府網站內容進行分析,發現臺北市在公務人員公務聯絡資訊公開程度上達百分之百,為六都第一;第二名則為臺中市,公開程度超過九成;至於高雄市的公開程度最低,全部皆無公開的比例超過八成。為何六個直轄市在資訊公開與個人資料保護的執行上會產生如此巨大的差異?本研究藉由文獻資料、網站內容分析及深度訪談之方式,綜合探討多方影響因素,發現法律規範模糊、機關業務性質及首長影響力,是造成此差異的最主要因素,文末亦提出未來發展及相關政策建議。 | |
英文摘要 |
Freedom of information in the government serves the function of fulfilling the proposed public values such as transparency, openness, accountability, and responsiveness. Provision of complete contact information for public servants on government websites is a worldwide trend. Nevertheless, such practice raises the concern that public servants’ personal information might be trespassed accordingly. By analyzing the contents of government websites for all six special municipalities in Taiwan, we found that Taipei City government provides the most complete contact information of the civil servants (100%), followed by Taichung City government (over 90%). Kaohsiung City government, on the other hand, discloses the least information. But why do the six special municipalities end up with such huge differences regarding this issue? By interviewing various government officials who were responsible for this affair, we found that ambiguity in the laws, the nature of agencies, and the influence of the chief executives are the three primary factors that contributed to such differences. Policy and managerial implications are also discussed. | |
關鍵詞 |
公共利益、去識別化、知的權利、個資保護、資訊公開、public interests、de-identification、right to know、personal data protection、freedom of information | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
001-035 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
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