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中文篇名 |
客家社會企業的族群認同之研究 | |
英文篇名 |
Research on Ethnic Identity of Hakka Social Enterprises | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
近年來,客家地區的社會企業櫛比鱗次。然而,這些社會企業的相關利害關係者們對於族群認同的情況為何?又是否會因為年齡和教育程度的差異,而有不同的客語程度呢?此外,是否會因為父母的族群屬性而影響到自身的族群認同?以上在在皆是吾等亟欲探討的焦點。有鑑於此,本研究分別以族群認同理論和族群邊界理論作為立論的基礎,並輔以文獻分析法和關係問卷調查法來進行深度的析探。研究發現:一、年齡愈長對於客家活動推動頻繁的認知愈強烈;二、教育程度和客語程度呈現負相關;三、因父親的客家族群屬性,而對客家產生強烈的依附感。期望此研究結果可供政府、社企、非營利組織和社會大眾參考。 | |
英文摘要 |
In recent years, social enterprises in the Hakka area have been more numerous. However, what are the relevant stakeholders of these social enterprises regarding the identity of the ethnic group? Will there be different levels of guest language because of differences in age and education level? In addition, will it affect the ethnic identity of the parents because of their ethnicity? All of the above are the focus of our eagerness to explore. In view of this, this study uses the theory of ethnic identity and ethnic boundary theory as the basis of the argument. And with the literature analysis method and the relationship questionnaire method to carry out in-depth analysis. (a). The longer the age, the stronger the identity of the promotion of Hakka activities. (b) Negative correlation between education level and level of Hakka language. (c) Due to the father’s Hakka ethnic group characteristics, he has a strong sense of attachment to Hakka. Expected research results can be used by governments, social enterprises, non-profit organizations and the public. | |
關鍵詞 |
客家社會企業、族群認同、族群邊界、Hakka social enterprise、ethnic identity、ethnic boundary | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
035-082 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
DOI | ||
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