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中文篇名 |
臺灣社會企業社會資本樣態及發展路徑研究—基於12家社會企業的分析 | |
英文篇名 |
Research on the Pattern and Development Path of Social Capital of Social Enterprises in Taiwan: Based on the Analysis of 12 Social Enterprises | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
社會網絡有限、社會資本不足是諸多社會企業面臨的現實挑戰,而現有研究對於社會企業社會資本的樣態及發展路徑尚缺乏深入的討論。本研究基於現有理論建構出社會企業社會資本之整合型分類架構,運用內容分析法對被評為「社企之星」的12家臺灣社會企業進行分析。研究發現,社會企業最為注重其價值鏈社群的網絡建構及價值鏈社會資本的開發,可能受「商業文化」影響至深所致,臺灣社會企業目前形成了發展社會資本的廣度路徑、深度路徑、小而美路徑三種路徑。本研究建議,社會企業家應從社會資本視角探尋社會企業永續發展之道,在發展方向上應從商業文化回歸到利他文化。 | |
英文摘要 |
Limited social network and insufficient social capital are the realistic challenges faced by many social enterprises, the existing research on the pattern and development path of social capital of social enterprises still lacks in-depth discussion. Based on the existing theories, this study construct an integrated classification framework for social capital of social enterprise, and used content analysis method to discuss 12 social enterprises that are rated as stars of social enterprises. The analysis found that social enterprises pay more attention to the network construction of their value chain communities and the development of value chain social capital, which may be caused by the influence of commercial culture. Meanwhile, social enterprises have formed three different paths of developing social capital: breadth path, depth path and small but beautiful path. This study suggests that social entrepreneurs should explore the sustainable development of social enterprises from the perspective of social capital, and should return from commercial culture to altruistic culture in the direction of development. | |
關鍵詞 |
永續發展、利益關係人、社會企業、社會價值創造、發展路徑、sustainable development、stakeholder、social enterprise、social value creation、development path | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
001-024 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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