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Journal of Democracy and Governance
201402 (1:1期) 目錄
- 深耕地方災害防救網絡治理能力:協力與培力策略分析 Crafting Network Governance of Local Disaster Prevention and Protection:Strategies of Collaboration and Empowerment
- 橘淮為枳:公共服務動機指標適用性的分析 An Empirical Examination of the Applicability of PSM Scale in Taiwan
- 論轉型正義與臺灣行政國正當性的重生 Transitional Justice and the Re-Born of the Legitimate Administrative State in Taiwan
- 兩岸關係與臺灣民眾政治支持的解析 Cross-Strait Relations and Political Support in Taiwan
- 選制差異影響選舉課責的探索研究:以立法委員選舉為例 An Exploratory Study of Electoral Accountability under Different Legislative Electoral Systems
- 博覽會政治學:中國治理周邊關係的新模式? The Politics of Exposition: A New Governance Modality of China's Good Neighbor Policy?
- 回顧型投票:1997年桃園縣長補選的回顧 Retrospective Voting: The Case of Taoyuan Magistrate By-Election in 1997