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Journal of Democracy and Governance
201502 (2:1期) 目錄
- 老人福利服務輸送公私夥伴關係之評估:臺南市社區照顧關懷據點的初步調查與反思 The Evaluation of Public-private Partnership in Elder Service Delivery: The Preliminary Investigation and Reflection of the Community Care Station in Tainan City
- 民間融資提案制度的理想與現實:以日本為例 The Ideal and Reality of Private Finance Initiative: Base on the Experience of Japan
- 政治人物之人格與動機如何影響政策:以2008~2012年馬英九總統任期為例 How the Trait and Motive of Politician Affect on the Policy Making: A Example of President Ma during 2008-2012
- 我國獨立機關設置的失敗:以兩黨政治競爭為分析視角 The Failure of the Establishment of Taiwan’s Independent Agencies: A Bipartisan Competition Perspective