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查詢結果:共有 37 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 公益組織面對新冠病毒肺炎後「新常態」之策略 Non-profit Organizations’ Operations to Account for the “New Normal” Posed by COVID-19 |
劉宜君 | 2020/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
2 | 使命契合觀點分析社會企業之效益與影響:以勞動部多元就業開發方案為例 An Analysis on the Effectiveness and Impact of Social Enterprise from Fit for Purpose Aspect: Case Study on Multi-Employment Promotion Program |
陳定銘、徐郁雯 | 2019/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
3 | 當商業利益滲入社會公益:三條路徑的省思 When Commercial Interests Infiltrate into Nonprofit Sector: Reflections on Three Paths |
丘昌泰 | 2018/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
4 | 社會企業關鍵指標之研究:從盈餘分配到所有權 The Surplus is Distributed into Ownership: Research of the Social Enterprise’s Key Indicator |
鄭勝分 | 2018/03 | 第三部門學刊 |
5 | 非營利組織的社會責任初探 Explore the Social Responsibilities of Non-profit Organization |
趙忠傑、楊子申、樊郢 | 2017/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
6 | 臺灣社會企業的現狀與挑戰:兼論英、美的發展經驗 The Situation and Challenge of Social Enterprise in Taiwan: The Experiences of the United Kingdom and the United States |
邢瑜 | 2015/08 | 民主與治理 |
7 | 非營利組織內部行銷「重要—表現程度分析」及內部行銷與志工疏離感關聯性之研究:以中華民國紅十字會臺北市為例 Importance-Performance Analysis of Internal Marketing in Nonprofit Organization, and the Correlation of Internal Marketing and Volunteer's Alienation: A Case Study of Taipei Branch, The Red Cross, Republic of China |
許世雨、胡祐禎 | 2010/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
8 | 臺灣基金會預算過程之研究 The Research on Budget Process of Taiwan Foundations |
郭昱瑩 | 2010/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
9 | 非營利組織、政府與草根性公民社會的發展:以臺灣九二一震災為例 NPOs, Government and the Development of Grass-Root Civil Society: A Case Study on 921 Earthquakes in Taiwan |
丘昌泰 | 2010/03 | 第三部門學刊 |
10 | 服務導向型組織公民行為之探索性研究 The Exploratory Study of Service-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior |
吳肇展、林容君 | 2010/03 | 第三部門學刊 |