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查詢結果:共有 8 筆符合條件的資料
序號 | 篇名 | 作者 | 日期 | 期刊 |
1 | 非營利組織建構多重利害關係人之協力關係研究:以中華數位人文關懷協會為例 How NPOs Construct Multi- Stakeholder Collaborative Relations: A Case Study of Digital and Humanity Concern Association in Taiwan |
蔡昀庭、丘昌泰 | 2017/03 | 第三部門學刊 |
2 | 在地文化創新的民間推手 The Driving Force of Local Cultural Creation in Taiwan |
丘昌泰 | 2012/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
3 | NPO與政府部門的網絡連結與政策倡議:質性資料的分析 The Networking Linkage between Nonprofit and Government and Policy Advocacy: The Preliminary Analysis of Qualitative Data |
莊文忠 | 2012/03 | 第三部門學刊 |
4 | 以社區影響模型觀點析探臺灣公益勸募策略之研究:中華聯合勸募協會及社福機構為例 An Analysis of Charity Fundraising in Taiwan through the Viewpoint of Social Impact Model: Case Study on United Way of Taiwan and Social Welfare Non-Profit Organizations |
陳定銘、陳彥蓉 | 2012/03 | 第三部門學刊 |
5 | 非營利組織的政策倡議與策略結盟:多元主義與統合主義觀點的詮釋 Policy Advocacy and Strategic Coalition of Non-profit Organizations: Explanation of Pluralism and Corporatism |
莊文忠、張鐙文、徐明莉 | 2011/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
6 | 組織自主性的受限與維護:婦女團體承辦新移民服務的主觀經驗 Autonomy and How They React to It? The Experiences of Contracted Women Service Nonprofit Organizations on New Immigrant Public Services |
韓意慈 | 2011/09 | 第三部門學刊 |
7 | 非營利組織轉型服務成功經驗之研究:以喜樂保育院為例 Services Transition of Nonprofit Organization: The Successful Case of Joyce McMillan Erhlin Happy Christian Homes |
葉鳳棋、鄭文輝 | 2011/03 | 第三部門學刊 |
8 | 非營利組織與學校策略合作及其學習成效──以永齡希望小學為例 The Learning Efficacy Resulting from Strategic Collaboration between Non-profit Organizations and Schools: The Example of |
2010/08 | 中國行政 |