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查詢結果:共有 198 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
41 類粉絲效應:網路負面口碑的抑制與弱化
Zealot Effect: Mitigating the Expansion of Electronic Negative Word-of-Mouth
李怡慧   2019/08  組織與管理
42 第三部門的組織變遷——從依賴到自主:以桃園市客語薪傳師協會為例
Organizational Change, From Dependence to Autonomy, of the Third Sector Association of Taoyuan Hakka Language Heritage Teacher as an Example
古永智   2019/03  第三部門學刊
43 攜手創造福利化社區:萬華社區協力聯盟的網絡治理模式探討
Creating a Welfare Community Together: A Study on the Governance Network of Wanhua Community’s Collaborative Alliance
莊文忠徐明莉   2019/03  第三部門學刊
44 臺灣與日本民眾的政治效能感分析:不同政黨執政時期之比較
An Analysis of the Political Efficacy between Taiwanese and Japanese: Comparison of Different Political Parties in Power
郭淑貞   2019/02  民主與治理
45 女性勞動對家戶所得分配的影響:台灣、韓國與日本
Effects of a Female Workforce on the Distribution of Household Income: A Comparison Study between Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan
洪明皇   2018/08  社會分析
46 公私營組織合作績效之兩手兼具能力統治觀點
An Ambidextrous Perspective on the Governance of Public-Private Partnerships
尤珮力方世杰王瑜琳   2018/08  組織與管理
47 高正義期待與低政治參與:從Otfried Höffe的正義理論觀察台灣的社會正義問題
High Expectation of Justice and Low Level of Political Participation: Observing the Problems of Social Justice in Taiwan based on Otfried Höffe’s Theory of Justice
周應龍魏楚陽   2018/08  民主與治理
48 心安即可直言?從相似性-吸引理論與程序公平理論探討深層相似性與員工建言之關係
Does Psychological Safety Promote Employee Voice? Investigating the Relationship between Deep-Level Similarity and Employee Voice Based on Similarity-Attraction Theory and Procedural Justice Theory
陳怡靜吳宗祐游佳臻   2018/08  組織與管理
49 社會資本觀點下中國大陸《慈善法》施行對慈善組織之影響
The Charity Law’s Impact on Charitable Organizations in China from the Perspective of Social Capital: An Empirical Study Based on Wuhan
田蘊祥曾旭   2018/03  第三部門學刊
50 心靈環保與社會價值:以社區為基礎之社會營銷與變革理論的關聯
Protecting the Spiritual Environment and Social Value: Some Relationships with Community Based Social Marketing and Theory of Change
釋惠敏   2018/03  第三部門學刊