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中文篇名 |
組織知曉力:科學社群的知識創生 | |
英文篇名 |
Organizational Knowing: Knowledge Creation in a Scientific Community | |
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中文摘要 |
當代文獻對知識創生的討論,大多集中在知識的移轉與管理上,較少探討組織集體能力之養成。然而,隨著全球化與網際網路的興起,跨疆界的研發創新已不能僅由知識移轉的角度觀察,而必須從分散式組織管理、由實踐社群觀點進行討論。尤其,跨領域科學家的專業社群不但具有高度的知識含量,更經常能因應環境變化,產生突破性的創新成就,因此具有重要的研究價值。本研究調查台灣頂尖的科學社群「無線奈米生醫團隊」,由這個科學社群特殊的組織知曉力(organizational knowing)分析成員的工作脈絡,以掌握社群如何持續有效地進行知識創造。本研究發現,知識創生不僅和社群的認同能力有關,更與社群的溝通、協調能力與專業知識的學習能力有關。此外,社群如何有效地動員自主研發的科學家,積極投入創新協作,亦有其特殊的組織實務。本研究總結組織知曉力乃是一種「識人之明」的能力、「識時務本」的能力,更是「適才適所」的能力。本研究探討實踐社群的知識創生對研發創新管理之啟示,並點出對管理科研團隊的實務意涵。 | |
英文摘要 |
Product or service innovation often requires highly specialized experts to work collectively, such as the design of computer server or performing a cardiovascular surgery. Current studies of knowledge creation focus more on the management of objectified knowledge. However, we know relatively little about how professional organizations, such as expert communities, may create knowledge effectively. This study examines a leading scientific community—the Wireless Health Advanced Monitoring Bio-Diagnosis System (WHAM-BioS). This team consists of leading scientists from different scientific domains, such as nano-technology, bio-technology, information technology and network communications. This study analyzes the scientists’ knowing in action, which facilitates knowledge creation. This research interprets knowing in identity-sharing, cross-training, motivation-enhancing, learning-by-doing and effort-aligning. These practices explain how the scientific community is organized in a distinctive fashion for effective innovation. The research findings provide theoretical and practical insights to knowledge creation and community-of-practices. | |
關鍵詞 |
知識創生、跨域創新、組織知曉力、工作實務、科學社群、knowledge creation、cross-boundary innovation、organizational knowing、work practice、scientific community | |
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起訖頁 |
1-32 | |
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