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中文篇名 |
顧客承諾與情緒勞務之關係:情感承諾的調節作用 | |
英文篇名 |
The Relationship between Commitment to Customers and Emotional Labor: The Moderating Role of Affective Commitment | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本研究從Meyer承諾— 動機整合模式的觀點, 闡釋不同型態的顧客承諾(情感、規範、持續)對正面一致、深層飾演、表層飾演等情緒勞務之個別作用,並檢視情感承諾在規範及持續承諾的作用中所具備之調節意涵。在以縱貫面研究設計對208位旅館服務人員之有效樣本中發現,情感承諾與正面一致呈正向關係,與表層飾演則呈負向關係;規範承諾與深層及表層飾演呈正向關係。此外,情感承諾的調節分析發現,情感承諾能弱化規範承諾對深層、表層飾演的正向作用,亦能弱化持續承諾對表層飾演的正向作用。研究結果不僅顯示Meyer的整合模式在顧客承諾與情緒勞務研究的適用性,也提供了進一步的管理及實務意涵。 | |
英文摘要 |
Based on the integrative model of employee commitment and motivation, this study elucidated the relationships between commitment to customers and emotional labor. Specifically, we tested the influences of affective, normative and continuance commitment on positive consonance, deep acting and surface acting, and the moderating effects of affective commitment. Results obtained from a longitudinal design with the sample of 208 employees at hotels showed that affective commitment was positively related to positive consonance and negatively related to surface acting. In addition, normative commitment could exert positive effects on deep and surface acting. As predicted, affective commitment was not only proved to moderate the relations of normative commitment to deep and surface acting, but also to the relation of continuance commitment to surface acting. Moreover, the influences of normative and continuance commitment on the proposed acting strategies were stronger when affective commitment was low. In conclusion, this study validated Meyer’s integrative model in the explanation of commitment to customers on emotional labor research. Implications for research and practice were further discussed. | |
關鍵詞 |
自我決定、情緒勞務、調節焦點、顧客承諾、self-determination、emotional labor、regulatory focus、commitment to customer | |
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起訖頁 |
083-114 | |
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