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中文篇名 |
好員工,你累了嗎?從資源保存觀點探討不同本質角色外行為及調節焦點特質對情緒耗竭之影響 | |
英文篇名 |
Are You Exhausted, Good Soldiers? Exploring the Impacts of Extra-role Behaviors and Regulatory Focus on Emotional Exhaustion from a Resource Conservation Perspective | |
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中文摘要 |
角色外行為是目前組織研究的一個重點議題。近年來,已有學者開始關注角色外行為對員工的負面影響,但是否展現任何角色外行為都可能為員工帶來負面影響,或者角色外行為只對部分員工有負面影響,而對其他人沒有這樣的影響,仍未見解答,故本研究希望能夠為回答這兩個問題提供有價值的線索。在角色外行為可能會對員工造成負面結果的前提下,我們從資源保存理論的觀點探討建言及助人這兩種不同本質的角色外行為對員工情緒耗竭是否造成不同的影響。另外,本研究進一步探討角色外行為與情緒耗竭間的關係是否會因人而異。為避免共同方法變異的問題,本研究分兩個時間點從主管與員工兩個來源蒐集資料,共取得122套主管與部屬的配對樣本,並以階層線性模式進行假設驗證。研究結果發現,員工的建言行為愈多,愈會情緒耗竭;而助人行為愈多,愈不會情緒耗竭。在調節效果方面,員工的守成型特質會強化建言行為與情緒耗竭間的正向關係;而開創型特質會強化助人行為與情緒耗竭間的負向關係。最後,針對上述研究結果提出學術上及實務上的貢獻與建議。 | |
英文摘要 |
Extra-role behavior in the workplace is an issue that has gained much attention among organizational scholars. Despite abundant evidence indicating the advantage of such behavior, recent research suggests that performing extra-role behavior is likely to bring negative effects to employees. However, we have no idea whether all kinds of extra-role behavior may influence negatively to all employees regardless of individual differences. This study attempts to delve into this issue. On the premise that extra-role behavior may result in negative effects on employees, we draw on resource conservation theory to investigate how voice and helping behaviors would impact on employees’ emotional exhaustion. We also examined if the relationships between the extra-role behaviors and emotional exhaustion may vary with employees’ regulatory focus. To minimize common method variance, we collected data from employees and their supervisors at two points in time. With 122 supervisor-subordinate dyads, the results showed that the more the employees performed voice behavior, the more likely they were exhausted, whereas the more the employees performed helping behavior, the less likely they were exhausted. Furthermore, trait-like prevention focus enhanced the positive relationship between voice behavior and emotional exhaustion, whereas trait-like promotion focus enhanced the negative relationship between helping behavior and emotional exhaustion. Implications of the findings for theory and practice are addressed. | |
關鍵詞 |
角色外行為、情緒耗竭、資源保存理論、調節焦點、extra-role behavior、emotional exhaustion、conservation of resource theory、regulatory focus | |
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起訖頁 |
041-076 | |
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