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中文篇名 |
非營利組織建構多重利害關係人之協力關係研究:以中華數位人文關懷協會為例 | |
英文篇名 |
How NPOs Construct Multi- Stakeholder Collaborative Relations: A Case Study of Digital and Humanity Concern Association in Taiwan | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本研究以中華數位人文關懷協會為個案,旨在瞭解非營利組織建構多重利害關係人之方式,以及社會資本的影響力。本研究結合協力關係理論、多重利害關係人理論、社會資本的社會網絡與結構洞之概念,採用文獻分析法、深度訪談法及參與觀察法,希冀提出後續對非營利組織如何建立良好協力關係之建議,並試圖發覺創新之可能性。本研究發現:一、協會的利害關係人相當的多元,包括活動參與者、活動執行者、財務資助者或技術支援者,由這些多重利害關係人所連結出的社會網絡具備網絡性、多重性與動態性,而其結構洞的主角是「校長」或「教師」的引介與協助。二、確立協會形成協力關係的方式,主要是「變形蟲組織」式的協力方式,中華數位人文關懷協會在經營協力關係時,必須隨時整合各方參與者的想法, 並滿足各種條件與需求,因而必須不斷地調整協力方式。最後,本研究針對該協會所建構的多元協力關係所產生的問題以及發展協會穩定協力關係的條件等,進行系統性的分析。 | |
英文摘要 |
This research, through an intensive case study of the Digital and Humanity Concern Association (DIHCA) in Taiwan, explores how NPOs build up multistakeholder collaborative relationship and how social capitals among NPOs influence the characteristics of collaborative relationship being formed. This study is approached by multi-methods, including literature review, in-depth interview and participant observation. Theoretical foundation is constructed through the integration of theories of collaborative relationship, multi-stakeholder perspectives and social capital. The results are indicated as follows. Firstly, the types of multi-stakeholders constituted by the DIHCA are various, including participants, implementators, fund donors as well as technical professionals. The social networks clearly demonstrated the features of “network,” “multiplicity,” and “dynamic.” School principal and teachers play vital roles in the process of structural holes embedded in the social networks. Secondly, the model of collaborative relationship is characterized as the “Amoeba organization-type.” The DIHCA simultaneously adjust participants’ needs and concerns, and organizing service teams whose members come from different universities, and thus demonstrating a variety of interaction types among NPOs. Finally, the researchers also described the problems that the DIHCA has to be coped with, and the essential elements of stable collaborative relationship among NPOs have to be developed. | |
關鍵詞 |
多重利害關係人、協力關係、社會資本、社會網絡、非營利組織、multi-stakeholder、collaborative relationship、social capital、social network、NPO | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
001-031 | |
出版單位 |
第三部門學刊編輯委員會 | |
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