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中文篇名 |
公私營組織合作績效之兩手兼具能力統治觀點 免費試閱 | |
英文篇名 |
An Ambidextrous Perspective on the Governance of Public-Private Partnerships | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
基於組織設計理論與組織兩手兼具能力觀點,本文旨在探討組織間協調機制、組織兩手兼具能力、公私營組織文化差異對公私營組織合作績效(創業、專利數與授權金額)的影響。本文闡述在此整合模型脈絡下,組織間協調機制可以透過組織兩手兼具能力來增進公私營組織合作績效,然而、此正向的效果卻可能因公私營組織文化差異的存在而減少。本文透過私營企業與臺灣的公立/國立大學之產學合作案為例,並訪談產學合作案中的相關人員,例如大學教授、研究人員以及產業界先進人士為佐證。透過這豐富的研究內容,本文之貢獻在於提供公私營組織合作績效衡量構面(dimensions)之新見解,且詳述擁有兩手兼具能力的組織能藉由發展各自之知識探索與知識利用能力來協助兩造雙方組織經由組織間協調機制,來促進公私營組織合作績效。同時,本文也對存在於公私營組織間文化差異情境之可能對此整合模型的負向影響提出對策。 | |
英文摘要 |
There has been relatively little research conducted on the examination of performance of public-private partnerships (PPPs). Our understanding of conceptualizing the performance of PPPs, such as patenting, licensing, spin-in or/and spin-off ventures remains rather unclear. Following the literature on organizational design theory and organizational ambidexterity perspective, this study intends to clarify that interorganizational coordination mechanisms can increase the performance of PPPs through knowledge exploration and knowledge exploitation, yet, the direct effects will be mitigated by public-private organizational cultural differences. Through the university-industry research collaborations, the current study will examine the performance of PPPs via a series of interviews implementing different sources of respondents, such as the public/national university’s top management, faculty members, and graduate students, and a private firm’s top executives, project directors, and project engineers. Through this richer explanation, we contribute to a greater clarity and better understanding of how ambidextrous organizations coordinate the knowledge exploration and knowledge exploitation which can successfully promote the performance of PPPs, while also responding to public-private organizational cultural differences. | |
關鍵詞 |
公私營組織文化差異、公私營組織合作績效、組織兩手兼具能力、組織設計理論、組織間協調機制、public-private cultural difference、the performance of publicprivate partnerships、organizational ambidexterity、organizational design theory、interorganizational coordination mechanisms | |
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起訖頁 |
107-152 | |
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