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中文篇名 |
族群文化產業的社會鑲嵌型態與治理網絡策略:客家文化產業個案之探索性研究 | |
英文篇名 |
The Patterns of Social Embeddedness and the Strategy of Governance Network in Ethnic Cultural Industry: A Case Study of Hakka Cultural Industry’s Exploration | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
本研究主要係以客家族群文化產業為研究個案,探討其社會鑲嵌型態為何?屬於認知、文化、結構或政治的社會鑲嵌?以前述所探討出來的社會鑲嵌型態為基礎,政府主管機關應如何從治理網絡促進客家族群文化產業之發展,以提升族群文化產業的經營效率,兼顧族群正義與族群經濟?本研究選擇若干族群文化產業,透過深度訪談,嘗試瞭解該產業究竟是屬於何種社會鑲嵌型態?政府主管機關應如何掌握該鑲嵌型態而進行兼具效率、效果與族群正義之網絡治理策略?此外,亦期望能藉由本研究的探索,驗證社會鑲嵌與治理網絡理論運用之可行性。研究發現,本研究個案可充分運用其社區中充沛的「社會資本」,並輔以完善的四種鑲嵌型態與富有熱忱又可自給自足的「社會企業」,以及兼具廣泛人脈的「社會網絡」,讓當地的客家文化產業能夠有更良好的發展。此外,本研究亦對政府主管機關提出建議:一、產業發展策略應著眼於產業對客家文化保存與發揚的貢獻度;二、輔導族群文化產業應連同考量該企業與其周遭支持性的社會網絡是否形成密切關係;三、企業創辦人本身對於客家文化的認知與認同成為創業成功的基本要件;四、各種政府機關不約而同地對「超級明星產業」的重複補助,應思考其必要性及公平性。 | |
英文摘要 |
In this study, mainly case study is Hakka ethnic culture industry, to explore what patterns of social embeddedness? Is it belongs the cognitive, cultural, structure or political’ social embeddedness? Based on the patterns of social embeddedness in preceding explored out, the government authorities how to promote the development of the Hakka ethnic cultural industries to improve the operational efficiency in ethnic cultural industries, both ethnic justice and ethnic economic from the network governance? This study will select a number of ethnic cultural industries, through in-depth interviews; try to understand the industry’s exactly patterns of social embeddedness belong? How government authorities should have the mosaic patterns and network governance strategy combines the efficiency, effectiveness and ethnic justice? In addition, we hope to explore the theory feasibility of the application of social embeddedness and network governance. The study finds that the case study can fully utilize the abundant “social capital” in its community, supplemented by four embeddedness patterns, and a “social enterprise” with enthusiasm and self-sufficiency and a “social network” with a wide network of contacts to enable the local Hakka culture industry to develop better. In addition, this study also proposed the following suggestions to government authorities: 1. The industrial development strategy should focus on the contribution of industry to the preservation and development of Hakka culture; 2. The cultural industry should be closely related to the supportive social network; 3. The founder of the enterprise itself for the Hakka culture of cognition and recognition as the basic elements of entrepreneurial success; 4. Various government agencies invariably re-subsidize the “superstar industry” should consider their necessity and fairness. | |
關鍵詞 |
文化創意產業、社會鑲嵌、客家文化產業、族群文化產業、網絡治理、cultural and creative industries、social embeddedness、Hakka cultural industries、ethnic cultural industries、network governance | |
刊名 | ||
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起訖頁 |
065-086 | |
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