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中文篇名 |
公共行政研究的議題定位與理論趨勢:以 TASPAA 第一個 10 年(2003 ~ 2012)之年會論文為例 | |
英文篇名 |
Issues and Trends in Public Administration Research: Assessing the Papers Presented in the First Decade (2003-2012) of TASPAA Conferences | |
作者 | ||
中文摘要 |
公共行政研究一直存在著學科正當性的論辯,更引發議題與方法定位上的多元競秀,以及理論趨勢發展的動態交爭。2003 年成立「台灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會」(以下簡稱 TASPAA)後,每年定期舉辦的研討會,已成為師生發表學術論文的最重要場合。本文以 2003 ~ 2012 年 TASPAA 10 年來歷屆研討會中,本土研究者發表的學術論文為分析核心,採取內容分析的研究分析策略,討論我國公共行政研究的相關發展。首先,公、私立學校的學者在發表比例並無明顯差異;再者,經費補助上多數研究並無挹注來源,如有經費補助則以行政院國家科學委員會為最主要的經費來源;其次,研究主題上新興議題竄出已成趨勢,然而傳統議題仍占一定比例,行政管理領域研究仍較廣義的公共政策領域研究為多;最後,研究途徑上的實證趨勢定位明確,其中以個案研究最多,橫斷面分析的研究論文,比縱斷面分析的文章多上三倍。 | |
英文摘要 |
The debates on the legitimacy of the discipline always exist in public administration research. Those debates even cause the diversity in issues focusing, methodology utilizing, and the trends of theories building. Taiwan Association for Schools of Public Administration and Affairs (TASPAA) was established in 2003. After that, TASPAA hosts the academic conferences every year periodically. Therefore, it has become the most important occasion for scholars and students in the field of public administration and public affairs to present their academic papers. This paper analyzes those academic papers presented by local researchers in the first decade (2003-2012) of TASPAA conferences. We use content analysis strategy to discuss the development of public administration research. First, there is no difference in the amounts of papers presenting by public school scholars and private school scholars. Second, most of papers have no financial support. That is, National Science Council (NSC) is the main source of funding. Third, as to research topics, although it has shown a trend of emerging issues, there are still certain percentage of traditional issues. Besides, there are more administrative management research than public policy research papers. Finally, the trend of evidence-based research approach is explicit—most of them are case studies. The amounts of cross-sectional research papers are three times more than longitudinal research papers. | |
關鍵詞 |
公共行政研究、內容分析、台灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會、研究主題、研究途徑、public administration research、content analysis、Taiwan Association for Schools of Public Administration and Affairs (TASPAA)、research topic、research approach | |
刊名 | ||
期數 | ||
起訖頁 |
037-074 | |
出版單位 |
國立中正大學政治學系 | |
DOI | ||
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